Thursday, June 23, 2011

Day/Chapter 27-You Are So Beautiful

You know, I have been spending a lot of time with a 'bestie' of mine lately, and I am starting to realize something.  Our pattern is too predictable.   It is starting to seem like if we are out and about and someone shows interest in me, he gets all peacocky and (possibly without even being aware of it,) tries to mark his proverbial territory.  While it is perfectly acceptable for him to talk about his range of conquests, the standard for me is just a bit different.  When someone pays attention to him, and he engages in conversation, I don't act all pouty and left out, I entertain myself.  If the subway takes a while to get to him and I am a few minutes late, he gets almost unbearable, when I stand there waiting for a half hour or an hour, I just brush it off.  If I was not completely sure he had no romantic interest in me, I would say I was his back up plan.  So I am a bit confused about all this.  Despite the fact that there was once a time when I may have been interested, it has long since passed, so I don't know what to think anymore.

On to today...

What a great chapter!  Cat talks about the inner/outer connection when it comes to self esteem, and how little it really can take to make the outer feel more the way we want it to.  In one of my previous incarnations, I worked for a cosmetics company, and fell in love with color and skin care. Even though it may not be apparent, I use a light bronzer almost every day, and a clear mascara to thicken and define the lashes and brows.    On days when I am feeling particularly fab, I touch just the TIPS of my lashes with a cerulean mascara, which whitens the whites of my eyes, and makes the blue in the POP!  I almost always wear a lip protector of some sort, and I moisturize (with a great and inexpensive product from the drug store that I like better than any Department Store brand I have ever used)  every morning after my hot (as hot as my skin will take it) shower.  After reading this chapter, I asked Cat for a bronzer recommendation, as the one I use most is really too shimmery for daytime wear (at least on a guy!) I will let you know what we come up with!

Remember that we are ALL beautiful, desire-able creatures.  If you are feeling bummed, a little (or a lot) of pampering goes a long way!  Treat yourself to that hair color and cut, get (or give yourself) a facial, take a long bubble bath with a glass of wine and some killer music.  Your soul and the way you perceive yourself will thank you!  I know it works for me!


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