Friday, May 25, 2012

Lyrically Inspired

I was listening to some of my favorite music today, and this lyric stood out in particular.  Not that it hasn't before-today it just inspired me to write.

When Cat talks about being aware of our own power, and helps us find that stronger, inner place within, she helps us bring forward what we already own.  Each of us is powerful, unique, and intensely beautiful in our own right.  There is only one of each of us, and that makes us as beautiful as a pure snowflake, our individual personalities can shine like so many crystals of ice fluttering from the skies above us. Those of you who know me, know that I have a love for falling snow that is second to none.

Sometimes, those snowflakes bump into each other and change their appearance on their inevitable journey to the ground.  Those changes don't make them less beautiful, less special than they were before.  Often, two flakes join to become one larger, more beautiful flake.  Other times, the joining is not ideal, and the flakes somehow separate and fall separately.  I like to think of each of us in these terms: beautiful, delicate, fluttering crystals.  Sometimes, we collide with others, and the joining is just as flawless as those merged larger snowflakes.  Other times, the collision can damage one or both flakes.  That is where we have the advantage.

Snowflakes can't heal, can't prevent the crash into the ground.  We can.

Each of us has a beauty that is worthy of protecting. Each of us has a sacred mandate from our Creator to protect and nurture that beauty.  There is no love like mine.  There is no love like yours.  That unique love that each of us carries is the source of our beauty.  It is our responsibility to protect it (but not overprotect it) and feed it the energy it requires to grow and blossom.

Think of it like this: if a child is given all the tools she needs to explore her every talent, then she will learn how to not only excel, but share her knowledge with others, thus spreading her light into the world around her.  When you listen to a song you can't help singing along to, that is an example of what I am talking about.  That performer has touched a place in you which makes you want to share in that light.  That performer is also receiving your loving energy (even if it is from a distance) as you revel in their joy, or empathize with their pain.  The same is true for us.  When we open our loving light to the world around us responsibly, we can experience the ebb and flow of the love around us.  Not just romantic love, but the often much more lasting love of friends and family, of the neighbor's kid who loves to come over and play Monoply with you, of your pets, of the planet we are a part of, the Universe around us.

Sometimes, some of the energy that comes in can be hurtful, and that is when we need to be the most aware of the helpful energy or people around us.  Allow the helpful to outweigh the hurtful, and remember always that there is no love like yours.  It, like you, is a unique and beautiful creation in this Universe.  Both of you are worth celebrating.

I have an affirmation for you (and for me) today.  Let's say it out loud, together.


Until next time, Love and Light!


Sunday, May 20, 2012


So, recently I had what I call an "Andrea Evans issue."  Before I even went on a date with this guy, he began to display all the signs of being controlling to the point of stalking.  Somewhere, in the back of my head, I could hear Cat's voice telling me to be cautious with this situation, to tread carefully.  I had agreed to a date, however, and I am a man of my word.

I agreed to meet him in a VERY public place (Times' Square,)  and made sure a friend had his name, number and photo of him in case anything went wrong (a good idea for any first date if you ask me!)   A few hours before, he canceled, and asked for a rain check.  For some reason beyond my comprehension, I said yes.  But as the day of our rescheduled date came, I found him calling me over and over and over, texting me and becoming aggressive if I did not respond immediately.  When, finally, under pressure to solidify a time for our reschedule, I decided it was not a good idea, he went completely apeshit.  Calling me names, telling me how undesireable I was, saying he hoped I died, and that he would dance on my grave.  I had SIXTY FOUR missed calls from him in a four hour period.  My caution turned into outright fear, and I called the police.

I am grateful every day for the lessons learned from Cat and the tools she shares with us in her book.  I am able to apply them much more readily today than ever before, and I am remembering to listen to my gut instincts.

It gets better every day.

Love and Light,
