Friday, July 29, 2011

Here's What Happens When You Run Into Him....

So, I was out with my friend Jesus the other night, having a perfectly marvelous time when, BAM.  He walked in the door to the club.  Aside from wanting to WRING his neck because the shock I was feeling felt a lot like pain for a few moments before I realized I was just stunned, not actually hurt, it wasn't awful.  I went outside, sent Cat a text, took a bit of a breather, and went back in.  There was no way I was going to let him screw up a perfectly good time.

You know what?  He didn't, and I didn't either.  I stayed and danced, played, sang, and felt JOY.  Even with him there.  Even though we didn't speak to each other until I was leaving and he said hi as I was on my way out the door.  I smiled my most winning smile and said-"Hello."  I then said good night and went on my way.  Cat was right there with me, in my head, letting me know that what was a pinprick today would have felt like a butcher knife to the heart two months ago.

Every day, in every way, things are getting better and better.

Love and Light.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

A Year Ago...

At this time last year, I was with Steve.  Just under a month away from being engaged to the man who would break my heart into a million pieces.  I thought I was happy, thought I was safe.  As I re-read the blog from May-June, as I followed the book, I realize just what an illusion I was living under.  Shattering that illusion-the illusion that he actually loved me in the way he claimed to-was one of the most difficult things I have ever had to do.  But I did it.  I faced that, and confronted so many of my darkest demons in 30 days, that it is almost as if there is more space in my heart for good and new and Light than I know what to do with!

Every day, in every way, things get better and better.

Sure I can worry about the economy, the Debt Ceiling, and a million other things I have no control over.  I do worry about them, but I know that God has a plan for me, and I believe it does not include the nation around me crumbling under a financial crisis, just as I prepare myself for the next step into a brighter future for myself, and for all those around me, whom I hope to serve.

Until next time, Love and Light!

Monday, July 25, 2011

Harry Slaughter (of my back)

I have been in so much pain-physically.  I threw out my back, and have been in utter agony over the past weeks.  I promise to keep you guys updated on a semi regular basis...

Love and Light!

Friday, July 8, 2011

Winning a Battle

Wow, was it just a day ago that I was starting to think OLTL may really be going prematurely to its grave?  I awaken today with a renewed sense of drive.  The announcement  that OLTL and AMC are going to be saved by going to a new, multi-platform  format was welcome relief for this weary warrior.

Friday, July 1, 2011

So, I finally said Yes

So, I finally broke down and said yes to an invitation to go on a date.  And you know what?  I had a GREAT time (Though I am not sure I recommend walking 2 miles in tight shoes, no matter HOW cute they are!)  We met up in Inwood for a drink, and then walked through Ft. Tryon Park to one of my favorite places-Kismet Restaurant on Ft. Washington Ave and W 187 Street in Washington Heights.

Note to self for future dating-2 things are important to remember 1. comfortable shoes 2. curry vindaloo on a 1st date is probably not a good idea!

We had a lovely dinner, learned a bit about each other, laughed a lot, and then met up with a friend at No Parking (a gay bar in upper Manhattan.)  Though my 'bestie'  was in his usual peacock mode, I managed to ignore it (for the most part) and enjoy myself for the one drink we had there (as my feet blistered and bled into my adorable shoes.)  

When he walked me to the train, we both were a bit nervous, and I know I wanted to kiss him, and it seemed like he wanted to kiss me.  We didn't.  Instead, we agreed to a second date.  

I will keep you updated.