Saturday, June 18, 2011

Day/Chapter 22-Learning to Look Ahead

So, today I came up with another internal surprise.  Remember back on day 4 or so, when Cat told us that we were not allowed to make contact for the rest of the 30 days?  I thought to myself then, that there was no way I could do it.  You know something?  I was wrong.  Not only have I not contacted him, with just over a week to go in this book, I no longer want to.  I remember thinking that as soon as I closed the book, when I was done with the 30 days and was 'all better' I would want him to know just how all better I was.  Yeah-not so much.  I don't need him to know anything about me.  I don't want him to know anything about me.  I wish him well, I hope he is happy, but I hope he keeps that happiness as far away from me as possible, and I will return the favor.

Thank God I didn't marry him.

When he and I first got together, he was working somewhere I found to be truly wonderful-with homeless gay teens.  Soon enough, however, he decided (with my help) that he needed to find something 'better for him.'   (Anyone else ever heard that one?)   The skills this chapter imparts will help me see things like that for what they are in the future.  I didn't see that he was using the fact that I could feed and shelter him as an excuse to quit his job.  I just loved him.  It is time to stop letting love be an excuse for behavior I would otherwise find unacceptable.

Until tomorrow, Love and Light!

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