Saturday, May 21, 2011

Introduction to Our Journey, and some history.

So, where do I begin this story?  Suffice it to say, I have recently had my heart pretty badly broken.  Okay, recently isn't the best way to put it.  It has been seven months now.  I fell in love with someone who was bisexual, knowing all the inherent risks of that emotional leap.  Well, life being what it is, I wound up heartbroken, and broken in so many other ways.

The relationship wound up being physically and emotionally abusive, and I found myself forgiving and forgetting when he would call me ugly, or tell me that he hated my cooking.  I saw all the signs of a relationship gone bad, and still couldn't turn off the love I felt for him.  I still am reeling from the day I ended it, after his affair with a woman resulted in a pregnancy.

Then, I had the good fortune of being a soap fan, and the even better fortune of developing a dialog with a woman named Catherine Hickland, who has been an actress on my favorite show, One Life to Live.  She has written a book called The 30 Day Heartbreak Cure.   Her strength in being honest with her fans and her amazing rapport with her audience led me to give her answer a try.  Her belief in the human capacity for love and in a loving God is so in synch with my own beliefs that I had to try.  When I mentioned to her in a Twitter chat that I was planning on picking up the book, she simply said "I've got you covered.  No one should walk around with a sad heart."  A few days later, the book, with a wonderful personal dedication reminding me of the inner power each of us has within was in my mailbox. Such a wonderful gesture from someone I hardly know lifted me in a way I never expected.

I wanted to share my journey with Cat, via the book, with as many people as I could reach, so I asked her permission to blog about the experience of taking the steps in the book, and she offered her complete support.

After reading only the Introduction, I feel like I have a good friend holding my hand as I begin to finally heal and put this painful relationship behind me.  I hope I can do my new friend, and her book justice.  I also hope that reading this blog helps others find this amazingly talented woman, and her work as an actor, writer, hypnotist, and force for good in the Universe.

I dedicate this journey to myself, and to Cat Hickland-for giving me the courage to take that first scary step into my future.  I couldn't have done it alone.


  1. Cole, you are very brave to bare your soul. You will be an expert at getting over relationships gone bad while helping others along the way. It's great that Cat will be following your journey too! Sounds like her book can do us all some good.

  2. BklyngirlinAtl, Thanks so much for calling me brave. I just feel like if I didn't start sharing all these...feelings...I would explode! The real thanks goes to Cat, who is right there, holding my proverbial hand through this via her book. Maybe someday, I will be lucky enough to have the opportunity to take her to lunch and we will be able to look back and giggle about this, like regular 'girlfriends'! For now, I just hope that by sharing my journey, and her book, will get her the attention she deserves for the good work she is doing!

  3. Dearest Cole, So many in our community have had this experience--he didn't really think you were ugly; he thought he was ugly for being gay. You're stronger than that, I've seen it. And I'm so glad Cat will help you really discover this. Luvz, X.
