So day 12 was great! Remember the nice lady on the train? The one who works for the department store? Well, she came through in a major way, and I got called by the company to come in for an interview! Talk about the power of intention and God stepping in to intervene right when you need it most! Wow, when I think that just about 2 weeks ago, I was curled up in a ball, crying over a man who didn't deserve my time, unemployed, and with very little on the future radar it is hard to believe I am the same person. Actually, I guess none of us are the same as we were two weeks ago. That is the beauty of taking a journey like this one, you are able to 'Re-invent Yourself" (a phrase I stole from the message on the jumbo-tron at the end of Madonna's Reinvention Tour, hardly her original, but that is where it came to me.) At the end of each moment, we are renewed, and refreshed, and our cells and organs are working hard to purge our bodies of any toxins and waste products we may have inside.
I like to think of negativity as a waste product. It is something that comes into our lives, but we have no real use for it. Like so many things in life, we have a choice: we can pack it away into a closet somewhere, with all the other stuff we will never use again, and wait for the closet to get so full that things start falling out when the door opens, or we can toss it into the recycle bin, thus allowing it to leave our space, and go get broken down and turned into something new and useful. It really is that simple. If there no room in our lives for good things to enter, they never will. I have a rule about shopping that applies to our everyday lives as well. For every new item I buy, I donate or give away 2. I have closets full of clothes (remember I work in retail) that i never wear, and never will. So why keep all that stuff in my life when I don't need it (and someone else probably does?) Simple. I don't. When I worked for GAP, at one point in time I went through my closet and realized I had 42 pairs of almost identical khakis, and about 20 pairs of almost identical jeans. Nobody NEEDS that much of a wardrobe, even at Holiday (when, as anyone in retail will tell you, there is no time for doing laundry!) That was when I came up with the buy 1 dump 2 rule. It works in the closet and it works for me in life. Now, even though I have a full wardrobe, I don't have more than I really need. I am satisfied with my clothes (though my addiction to Hugo Boss needs some work!) I am satisfied with my life, exactly as it is right now. If something is not useful, it can be recycled. If it is, I can keep it, and have some space for it (and me) to breathe and not feel cluttered. Waste not, want not (or my version of it anyway!)
On to day 13...ah, lucky 13!
Today, Cat talks about 'owning your power.' Not the aggressive, all encompassing, ego-driven power that society has told us should be what we desire, but our true power as human beings. I recently told her that the fact that all of you are listening and reading is kind of scary for me, because it included a level of responsibility and accountability. To you, and more importantly, to myself. Our biggest commitment should be to ourselves at the end of the day (and the beginning and the middle!) I am still scared, but I have realized that what I perceive as fear is just nerves most of the time. I am out there, bearing all for you to see, and that is a daunting prospect for someone who is normally very private with their emotions (let's face it, I am still a guy-gay or not, we all come with a built in desire to be stoic.) This process is so good in so many ways for me: I am learning to won my feelings and release them to do their work in the Universe, I am learning to be more open about my spirituality (normally a very private matter for me as well.) I am learning to just be. No scripts, no planned or programmed responses. I am living my truth, and so are you, as you follow, and so will you be when you (if you haven't already) pick up the book, and start your own journey with Cat. By the way, if you haven't picked up the book-what are you waiting for? Life doesn't magically change-it takes work! I want one of you to become the next "me." I want to share in you success, and send you e-hugs telling you how proud I am of you, and how inspired I am by you (I already am, by the way.) This book, and this blog, have truly changed my life. And you are here to witness it, and be a part of it. There are tools here all of us will use for the rest of our lives, and which we will share with others, as I am with you, as Cat is with all of us, which will change the world we live in. Imagine a world of kind and strong and loving and powerful souls, working together for a common good. It can happen. We can make it so.
Until tomorrow, I send you all the knowledge that you are my inspiration, and I share my love and light with you!