Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Day/Chapter 18-Giving It Up

So, how do I begin to forgive something I am not angry about anymore?  Does forgiving mean I forget?  Or does it simply allow me to go on, and make room in my life for the good that can be there from now on?

Which of us hasn't asked these questions of ourselves at one point or another?  Individually and collectively, we have all come up with our own take on the answers.  My take seems to vibe with Cat's.  If we do not forgive, we allow the wounds to fester, the infection of becoming jaded and bitter sets in.  We force ourselves to replay the tape the Liar has in our heads over and over and over again.  We forget the power of EJECT!  Worst of all, we fill ourselves so full of sadness and anger and pain that there is little or no room for anything else.

Today, in part because I made room for something great to happen, I got the call to come in for my 3rd interview with that company I mentioned.  The appointment is set for Thursday at 2PM EST.  I am telling you this because I believe it is important to send positive energy to those who need it when they need it.  The way I asked all of you to do for my friend Darlene when she was in so much pain right after her brother died last week.  I am asking you now to do the same for me (and don't hesitate to ask it of me as well!)   When we make space in our lives for positive energy to flow in, and force the negative into the Light (like I did the other day by sharing the fear and pain of what happened to me in 2004,) we invite good things in to replace them.  We are all human, we all make mistakes, none of us is perfect.  God made us this way so we could learn and grow and choose to invite the positive forces of the Universe into our lives and hearts.

A man spent a good amount of time flirting with me today.  Admittedly, I ate it up.  I also know enough to know that I am nowhere near ready to move into anything remotely resembling a relationship with someone who is not me.  So, I indulged in some flirtation, and them gave the guy my number, but made sure to let him know that I was not remotely interested in anything romantic right now.  It felt good to smile, to feel attractive.  It feels better to know how to say something is not for me right now.

Today, make some room in your hearts by inviting forgiveness in.  Expose one of the monsters in the closet of your secrets to the Light that it brings inside, and you will find (I promise) that it is not so scary as it once was.

Until tomorrow, I send all of you Love Light and flirtation!  

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